Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Morning Coffee

Casting Out Demons

The Bible differentiates between casting out devils and healing the sick. Often people’s physical conditions don’t respond to prayer and the laying on of hands because there is an evil spirit involved.

`And signs shall accompany those believing these things; in my name demons they shall cast out; with new tongues they shall speak; serpents they shall take up; and if any deadly thing they may drink, it shall not hurt them; on the ailing they shall lay hands, and they shall be healed.
Mark 16:17-18

Monday, June 27, 2016

Morning Coffee

Why People Lose Their Healing

When people are in a place where faith is high—where there’s a mass faith—or where the gifts of the Spirit are in operation, it’s comparatively easy for them to receive healing. This is what happens in big meetings.
However, when these people get back on their own, the devil comes along with lying symptoms. The people don’t have a foundation of faith in them, and the devil puts the same thing back on them. That’s the reason you see people get delivered from evil spirits, sickness—a lot of things—and the next time you see them, they’re right back where they were.
They were all right until they got home, and after two or three weeks, their healing was gone. Why did they lose it? Because they didn’t know their authority. They didn’t know how to hold onto what they had, so they didn’t try to exercise authority themselves; or, if they said anything, they said the wrong thing.
That’s why people need to be taught the Word of God and their rights and privileges as believers. Then they can exercise authority for themselves over the devil, diseases, and circumstances. Amen


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Morning Coffee

Breaking the Devil’s Power

Sometimes believers say they will try something because it has worked for someone else. If they study God’s Word and clothe themselves in its teaching on authority, it will work for them. But if they try to act on God’s Word without really having that Word built up in their spirit, the devil will defeat them soundly.
You’ll only defeat the devil when you’ve got a foundation of God’s Word and you act upon it. The Bible says (speaking of Satan), “Whom resist stedfast in the faith . . .” (1 Peter 5:9). Your level of faith is directly related to the degree of God’s Word dwelling in your heart, that is, that Word which is reality to you and in which you are daily walking. Amen


Monday, June 20, 2016

Morning Coffee

Religious Spirits

People need to know there are such spirits. They make people act very religious.
There are people who believed in a mixture of some Bible along with eastern religions.
We must remember these beliefs are not scriptural. They’re not according to the New Testament.
Some people who believe this way may say,“Well, that’s the way I want it.”

Free Will Prevails

You’ve got to walk off and leave people when they want it that way. If people want to live in sin, they can. If they want to be free, they can be free. But as long as they don’t want to be free, neither Jesus nor anybody else can set them free. You can’t go around promiscuously exercising authority over the devil in somebody else. You’ve got authority over your own life and with your own family. But you can’t cast the devil out of everyone you meet on the street, even if they do have the devil in them, because they have authority over their own lives.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Morning Coffee

Authority Over Demon Spirits, Not Human Wills

Though we have authority over demon spirits, we do not have authority over our fellowmen or their wills. We miss it a lot of times in thinking that we do.

We have authority over demons, and we can control them as far as our lives or our family’s lives are concerned, but we can’t always control them when other people are concerned, because that person’s will comes into play. Don't be confused, our lives and our family's live those who are in the place of our daily pray, our children. Those outside of that their own wills come into play.
You have to realize this: Although the devil does know some things, he is not all-knowing, or omniscient, like God is.
You can see that the devil does know some things. Some fortune-tellers do predict events that come to pass, and they don’t do that by the power of God. Amen


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Morning Coffee

How to Remain Undefeated

If believers take advantage of the spiritual armor provided for them, the enemy cannot defeat them. There is not anything that’s of the enemy should be able to defeat those of us who are members of the Body of Christ.
The believer must continually be arrayed with this armor. The Holy Spirit prayed through Paul that the eyes of the people would be opened to know this full provision that has been made for their safety. Spiritual armor is outlined in Ephesians 6:10-17
The different parts of this armor symbolize spiritual truths which belong to the believer. As believers Wearing this armor, we are protected and unhampered in his ministry of authority.
Dressed in the armor of God, we as children of the Most High God  are prepared to withstand every attack of the enemy. Amen


Monday, June 13, 2016

Morning Coffee

The Weapons of Our Warfare

The believer must continually be arrayed with spiritual armor. The Christian who puts on this armor and engages in spiritual warfare is marked. By spiritual warfare doing the works of Jesus and taking our authority over the devil as we go about our daily lives.
The devil will do everything in his power to keep you from coming into this knowledge of authority over him. He’ll fight you more over this than any other subject. After you have come to the knowledge of this authority, he’ll oppose you and try to steal it from you. The devil wants you to throw up your hands and say the authority of the believer won’t work for you. your privileged spiritual position makes you an enemy to the devil.
If a believer is aware that he is seated with Christ in heavenly places and that the devil is a defeated foe under his feet (Eph.1:15–2:6). Furthermore, this believer is convinced that no work of the enemy can prevail against him in carrying out the will of God on the earth. Amen


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Morning Coffee

The Keys of Authority

The Bible says Satan had the power of death—but Jesus conquered him.
Revelation 1:18
Jesus Christ took the keys away from the devil, glory to God! Keys belong to the Authorized One. Those are the keys of authority.
We must remember that physical death is not of God; it is of the enemy. Death is still an enemy. The Bible says it is the last enemy that will be put underfoot.
After stripping the demonic powers of the authority that had been theirs, Christ “made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Col. 2:15)
Paul is stressing the Father’s work in the overthrow of satanic powers and the defeat of Satan himself.
In Ephesians we also saw that the Son is seated above these powers and has the authority of the throne of God. But this is precisely where the church world as a whole has failed. It has understood that Jesus Christ is the Supreme Head of the Church, but it has failed to understand that the Head is totally dependent on the Body for carrying out His plans; that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places; and that His exercising authority over the powers of the air has to be through the Body. Amen


Monday, June 6, 2016

Morning Coffee

Risen With Christ

writing to the Church at Colossae. Although he uses slightly different words, he says the same things he has said to the Ephesians about God’s plan of redemption. He doesn’t preach a new or different message to the Colossians. COLOSSIANS 1:15–20
Christ was quickened by God the Father: COLOSSIANS 2:12–15

Verse 12 says we were raised with Christ “through the faith of the operation of God.” Notice it was the Father who did this work. Verse 13 tells us that God not only quickened us at the same time He quickened Christ, but He also forgave our sins!

Paul is saying here in Colossians that it was God who formed the plan of redemption. It was God who raised Jesus from the dead. It was God who gave Him a Name above every other name. And it was God who spoiled the demonic principalities and powers who opposed the resurrection of Christ. Amen


Friday, June 3, 2016

Morning Coffee

Learn to Be Exalted

We Christians must learn that we are seated with Christ. We must learn to be exalted to the place where God wants us! The Church fails too often in this ministry of authority. Instead, She is bowed down in defeat and is overcome with fear.
Read Ephesians 1:22
Jesus is Head over sickness, disease, and anything else that’s evil, as He proved when He was here on earth.
Jesus is Head over all things for the Church’s sake.
We need to meditate upon these divine truths so that our spirits may fully understand them. Once we do, we’ll reap rich rewards. When we have this reverent attitude, the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, can lift us into a place where we can see the true meaning of God’s revelation.
God made Christ to be the Head over all things to the Church. It is for our sake that He’s the Head, so that we through Him might exercise that authority over all things. Amen


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Morning Coffee

Exercising Authority in Your Family

God didn’t intend for the devil to dominate our families. If you have small children that are sick, put the devil in his place. Tell him he does not rule your house you do through Jesus Christ,  Amen.
Stir up your gift of God
2 Timothy 1 : 6-7. Stir up your most holy faith in the Holy Ghost Jude 20.
The devil must go in Jesus name Amen.
We have been given authority over his games. Amen
