Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Ministry of Christ

1John2 : 1-2
Understanding the meaning of the word "propitiation" is key to understanding the full impact of these verses. Propitiation-Greek Word hilamos (hil-as-moss') meaning a way by sin is covered and erased.  Amen

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Go Boldly before the Throne of Grace

In the Promised Land,  Israel became a nation.  The tabernacle was replaced by the temple.  At the moment Jesus died, "the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. " Matthew 27:51.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Go Boldly before the Throne of Grace

2 key elements:

1) The most Holy Place.  The place where God's presence dwelt.
2) The veil. The curtain of separation that hung before it.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Go Boldly before the Throne of Grace

The construction and furnishings of the tabernacle are described in detail; each element was symbolic and foreshadowed the ministry of the coming Messiah: God's redemptive plan for man. Amen

Friday, December 12, 2014

Go Boldly before the Throne of Grace

The tabernacle was more than a place of worship;  It was where God met and interacted with His people in the days following their exodus from Egypt.  For more information please read
Exodus 25-27.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Set Free by the Blood

As we finished the section,  go to God in prayer and appropriate the power of the blood over your home and family.  (Men) as a priest and intercessor for your family,  your prayer might be like this: Father,  in the name of Jesus,  I come to You and worship, You I praise Your name Jesus! God I come to You, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb.  Amen

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Set Free by the Blood

As the blood of the Lamb flows from Calvary into our lives, marriages are restored,  victims of abuse are healed,  bodies are freed from disease,  occult energy is banished,  oppression is lifted, and the invading army of God's incredible glory is released into our lives at every dimension. Amen

Monday, December 8, 2014

Set Free by the Blood

What the power of the blood means in the most real terms is that the power of Jesus Christ is readily available to anyone who needs it!  Thus,  when hell's forces are arrayed against us and the fury of demonic is at the very worst, the blood makes it possible for us to find salvation, healing, and deliverance.  Amen

Friday, December 5, 2014

Set Free by the Blood

When we lived in spiritual darkness we lived under the rulership of the god of this age. However,  when we received Jesus Christ into our lives by Faith,  we died with Christ and no longer bound to sin.  In the cosmetic court of heaven we have been set free by the power of the blood.  Amen

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Set Free by the Blood

Jesus Christ is the very embodiment of the covenant as the Lamb of God.  It is He alone who has the power to remove man's sin through His sacrificial death. Through the blood of the Lamb of God, the power of sin over us is broken and Satan no longer has dominion in our lives. Amen

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Set Free by the Blood

However,  those who have been washed clean by the blood of Jesus are no longer slaves to sin because the previous life blood of the Lamb of God has set us free from sin's power. Amen

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Apply the Blood of the Lamb

The blood of Jesus Christ binds up shame and releases us to experience the fullness of His glory.  The awesome wonder, majesty,  and Glory of the Lamb upon the throne, the triumphant Christ who brings us before the very throne of God as children in His heavenly family.  Amen